EC Commences Compilation Of Women Resident Register

Exercise To Be Carried Out In 71,255 Villages

The Independent Electoral Commission has today 10.06.2022, commenced a countrywide compilation of women councils register in preparation for the upcoming women councils and committees elections.

Compilation of the Village Women Residents’ Register, 10th – 13th June 2022

In preparation for the Women Councils and Committees Elections, the Electoral Commission will compile a register of willing female residents in each village throughout Uganda from Friday 10th June to Monday 13th June 2022.

The purpose of the registration is to enable all willing female residents aged 18 years and above, to register in order to participate in the above elections within their respective villages.

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The registration will be conducted from 7:00am until 6:00pm on each of the appointed dates, including weekends.

Procedure of electing women councils and committees.

All stakeholders are urged to note the following:
a) Eligible and willing female residents aged 18 years and above shall turn up in person at the registration centre within the village of residence to register;

b) The registration exercise shall be for the purpose of electing the Village Women’s Executive Committee;

c) The village women residents shall be registered in a customized Register Book provided by the Electoral Commission;

d) For one to register in the Village Women Residents Register, she must fulfill the following requirements;
i. Must be a citizen of Uganda, who is ordinarily resident in the Village of registration;
ii. Must be eighteen (18) years of age and above at the time of registration;
iii. Must be willing to be a member of the Village Council;

e) A person appearing for registration shall be required to provide the following particulars to the Village Election Official:
i.  Names;
ii. National Identity Number or Application ID Number,
iii. Age,
iv. Gender, and,
v. Village of Residence.

f) The registration exercise shall be free of charge.

The Commission has designated Monday 13th June 2022, as the cut-off date for registration of female village residents.

The registration of female residents in each village throughout Uganda will not be conducted after this date.

A person who is not registered at the Village level will not be able to participate in the elections at any level.

Display of the Village Women Residents Register, 23rd – 24th June 2022.

The Commission shall display the Village Women Resident Register from 23rd – 24th June 2022 in all the villages across the country.

The display shall begin at 8:00am and end at 6:00pm at the designated public/open place in the respective village.

During the display, the voters are urged to turn up in large numbers and check for the correctness of their particulars, such as names, National ID Number or Application ID Number, age, gender and village of residence.

During the display of register, residents are further urged to report to the Village Election Official the following categories of persons for removal from the Registers:
a) The under-aged, and,
b) Those who do not reside in the village.

All persons participating in the elections shall be required to comply with guidelines issued by the Electoral Commission in accordance with the Government of Uganda and Ministry of Health measures against the spread of COVID-19.

This includes observing social distancing, hand washing, and wearing of masks.

The Commission urges all eligible women to turn up in high numbers and exercise their right to elect leaders of their choice at the above elective levels.

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Chris Kato

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