Won’t Controversial Statements Make Christianity Crumble?

The Archbishop Of York Has Added Salt Into An Injury

Uganda Today: Is Christianity, as we know it, finally dying?

Calling God “our Father” is “problematic”, the Archbishop of York has said.

The Most Rev Stephen Cottrell said the phrase is “problematic” for those who have suffered under abusive fathers, and those who have been abused by clergy, known as their fathers in God.

A Bishop conducting the ritual of confirmation in the traditional Christianity setting

The Archbishop’s comments sparked a mixed reaction from a divided church.

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Liberal, feminist clergy within the Church of England said just “because Jesus called God ‘daddy’, we think we have to call God ‘daddy’”, and agreed with his intervention on the controversial subject.

In contrast, conservative Christians criticised the Archbishop for taking his “cue from culture rather than scripture”.

His comments come after the previous meeting of the Synod in February, in which the notion of a gender-neutral God was proposed.

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Chris Kato

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