Prophets Of Doom Whom The Bible Talks About Uncontrollably Manifest In Uganda
Mulago Hospital Retiree Falls Victim

My father used to severally say that the Bible is a book of wisdom and that any wise man should spare some 15 minutes daily to read this book.
Indeed his statement is true.
Mark 13:22 ESV /
For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform signs and wonders, to lead astray, if possible, the elect.
What Mark reveals above is what false prophet Alex Kabuye is doing to his followers at his church in Kasanje.
Florence Sarah Nakirigya is a 66 years retiree Mulago Hospital midwife. She gets connected to Nabbi Alex Kabuye of River Pison Church at Kasanje, prophet Kabuye mastered research and information gathering about the unsuspecting new followers and believers of his prophesies.
Kabuye executes his trade by charging a mandatory 20,000= UGX that a victim deposits in a basket adjacent to his office swaying chair. After depositing the money, the “client” proceeds to a chair infront of the prophet, he then holds both hands of the client and starts inaudibly mentioning several words while audibly mentioning his clients name intermittently.
After this brief session, he embarks on his mission of information gathering about details of his clients relations including but not limited to place of work, residence, brothers and sisters and their marital status, their love life and many other parameters, one’s social and economic life. At this moment, he opens the Bible, dips his right hand into oil, and smears it into the open Bible and starts telling issues about your past ( which information he will have wittingly gathered from the unsuspecting person who referred you to him)

He will then proceed to prophesy a very bright future for you and recommend remedies for the problems affecting you that you have narrated to him. At this moment, he will have brainwashed you about your life history with remarkable past events in your life reveals. Like a good chess prayer, he proceeds to ask for a specific ransom that you have to pay him such that he visits your residence and place of work to cleanse the two in order for you to get a break through. This ransom amount depends on what you do!
Florence Sarah Nakirigya’s fake miracle baby.
Having been tipped of prophet Kabuye by a relative, Florence makes an appointment to meet the prophet on the scheduled Tuesday of meeting burden ridden flocks at his Kasenje based Church. She goes through the procedures explained above, the prophet asks her what her problem is (mark you he is already in the know that she had ever conceived but the baby died immediately after birth some time in the 70’s)
He cunningly reveals this to her surprise and amazement, “ndaba wano wazaalako ku mwaana naafa,” she answers in affirmation. The prophet now assures her that he has ‘powers’ to make her conceive despite the fact that she is already under menopause!
The prophet gives several conditions involving lumpsum fee of 18m so that he buys land and prepare for the child whom the two would sire. ( for your information the young prophet 27 years, had just got married recently and made Florence contribute 5m to his wedding)
With that assurance, Florence, goes to the bank, withdraws her retirement gratuity, calls the prophet and hands it to him. They then start sexual romps that didn’t yield any results for the desired conception, Florence at this moment, develops anxiety as the prophet continues to assure her of conception any time. (Luganda telephone conversations between the two are the source of this information)

Prophet continues asking for Florence’s pension and convinces her to give him 15m so that he completes payment of purported land he bought at Buwama. Florence, like a toddler who wants to follow his mother who is leaving home, and the mother soothes him by assuring him that he is going to buy sweets for him, agrees to the lies of the prophet that her fallopian tubes had issues of blockage. That that was the only issue that had prevented the pregnancy to occur!
Because of her frail old body subjected to regular sexual intercourse coupled by anxiety of conception failure, Florence suffered from high blood pressure but was lucky to have been detected immediately by a brother with whom she stays.
She is taken to the hospital and the body paralysis she suffered is largely dealt with. The prophet visits her at the hospital, prays for her and assures her of total recovery.
Florence’s young brother learns about her predicament of being unable to meet her basic livelihood requirements yet she had received her gratuity and continue to regularly receive her monthly pension. The brother moots out a plan to monitor Florence’s phone conversation that unearthed all the dirty games the prophet was playing with the unfortunate old woman.
The brother convenes a meeting with all other siblings and it is at this meeting to their consternation that Florence reveals that she had surrendered her Land title to her Kawempe house where she resides to prophet Kabuye so that he sells it off. Kabuye had convinced Florence that the house was full of witcraft spells that had prevented her from conceiving also.
Prophet Kabuye’s plan was to sell off the house and most probably hatch out a plan to terminate her life. ( audios urging her to leave home without telling any one so that he takes her to Buwama to see the land she had constantly demanded to see)
At the intervention of Florence’s siblings, Kawempe title was removed from prophet Kabuye and a police case was opened against Prophet Kabuye vide case no. SD REF 03/24/11/2020 He was subsequently arrested and granted a police bond on an understanding that Kabuye pays back Florence’s total ascertained 38m fleeced from her.
Case is still on. As narrated by Florence’s brother.

Kabuye was recently arrested vide Ttula police post case file no SD REF 03/24/11/2020 having fleeced a 66 year old retiree registered midwife from Mulago Hospital of all her gratuity and savings with false promises of engaging her in miracle sex escapades in order for her to bear a child!
Pastor Kabuye 27, having learnt about the predicament of childlessness of a 66 years old woman, set out a plan to fleece her of all her gratuity and bank savings. Kabuye convinced the old retiree, that if she accepted to withdraw her gratuity and savings and she gives it to him, he would bless her with conception of a divine child.

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