Investigative Report: The Bank of Uganda Cash Scandal – Did Justice Prevail?

Ever Since The Demise Of Mutebile, Without Appointment Of Governor Bank Of Uganda. This Investigative Report Aims To Shed Light On a Critical Issue That Affects All Ugandans And Calls For Continued Vigilance And Advocacy For Transparency And Accountability In Our institutions.

There has never been unauthorised printing of money stocks in Uganda since 1966, it again happened during Museveni’s prolonged tenure in 2019.

Uganda Today Edition: Investigative Report: The Bank of Uganda Cash Scandal – Did Justice Prevail?

In the annals of Uganda’s financial history, few scandals have captured the public’s attention as dramatically as the Bank of Uganda (BoU) cash printing saga. This scandal came to light when the then Bank of Uganda Governor, the late Dr. Emmanuel Tumusiime-Mutebile, bravely blew the whistle on corrupt practices within the institution he headed for nearly two decades. His startling revelations included photographic evidence of sacks of extra money, allegedly printed illegally and loaded onto a plane dubbed.

The Whistleblower’s Revelation

Dr. Mutebile, known for his integrity and forthrightness, took an unprecedented step by exposing the scandal. He presented evidence showing that a significant amount of money had been printed and transported illegally, raising alarm over the possible involvement of high-ranking officials within the BoU. This bold move by Mutebile set off a wave of speculation and demanded urgent action from the highest echelons of government.

President Museveni’s Response

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President Yoweri Museveni, known for his tight grip on national affairs, was expected to take swift and decisive action following these revelations. However, the President’s response to this scandal has been a subject of intense scrutiny and debate.

Investigations reveal that Museveni did address the issue publicly, emphasizing the need for thorough investigations and promising that those found guilty would face the full force of the law. Yet, the extent to which he followed through on these assurances remains a matter of contention.

Investigations and Prosecutions

Following the whistleblower’s revelations, an investigation was launched involving multiple agencies, including the Financial Intelligence Authority and the Inspectorate of Government. These investigations aimed to uncover the depth of the scandal, identify the culprits, and ensure that justice was served.

According to sources within the judiciary and law enforcement agencies, several BoU officials were interrogated, and a few were arraigned in court. However, the transparency and outcomes of these proceedings have been opaque at best.

Court records indicate that a handful of individuals faced charges related to the scandal, but there is scant information on the actual number of prosecutions, convictions, or refunds of the illegally printed money.

Lack of Transparency and Accountability

Despite initial assurances of thorough investigations and accountability, the process has been criticized for its lack of transparency. Critics argue that the true extent of the scandal and the involvement of senior officials might have been downplayed to protect influential figures within the government and financial sector.

Public confidence in the process was further eroded by reports that key suspects received lenient treatment, and there were no significant recoveries of the embezzled funds. This has led to widespread belief that the scandal was swept under the rug, with minimal real repercussions for those involved.

The Untold Cost

The implications of the BoU cash scandal are profound. The illegal printing and distribution of money have far-reaching effects on the economy, contributing to inflation and undermining public trust in the central bank and financial system. More critically, it highlights systemic issues of corruption and lack of accountability within key state institutions.


The BoU cash scandal remains a dark chapter in Uganda’s financial history, symbolizing the challenges of combating corruption in high places. Despite Dr. Mutebile’s courageous whistle blowing and initial investigations, the lack of transparency and decisive action from the government raises serious questions about justice and accountability in Uganda.

As we remember the late Dr. Mutebile, his legacy calls for renewed efforts to ensure transparency and accountability in Uganda’s financial institutions. Only then can we hope to restore public confidence and ensure that such scandals do not recur, undermining the nation’s economic stability and integrity.

This investigative report aims to shed light on a critical issue that affects all Ugandans and calls for continued vigilance and advocacy for transparency and accountability in our institutions.

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Chris Kato

Uganda Today is a source of analytical, hard and entertaining news for audiences of all categories in Uganda and internationally. Uganda Today cut its teeth in Ugandan media industry with its print copies hitting the streets in October 2014. We are heavily indebted to all our publics and stakeholders who support our cause in one way or the other. To comment on our stories, or share any news or pertinent information, please follow us on: Facebook: Uganda Today Twitter: @ugtodaynews WhatsApp:+256 702 239 337 Email: Website:

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